Trio of Legendary Creators Team on AMAZING SPIDER-MAN: GOING BIG #1

Trio of Legendary Creators Team on AMAZING SPIDER-MAN: GOING BIG #1

August 14, 2019 Off By Michael Stagno

A legendary Marvel team of creators in Gerry Conway, Mark Bagley and Erik Larsen will combine forces on a one-shot of epic proportions, Amazing Spider-Man: Going Big #1.

The trio are set to bring Spider-Man back to the legendary run of the 1990s, an era in which they revolutionized the character, in a story that will ‘keep you guessing until you read the last page’.

“The idea was essentially to tell a fun, concise Spider-Man story which was both visually cool and entertaining,” explained Larsen. “There are a lot of things fans loved about my run on the book and I tried to give readers a taste of that. At the same time, I don’t want to simply wallow in nostalgia, so I’m bringing other things to it. My story features a Marvel villain that I’ve never drawn before and while Mary Jane Watson is in it, she doesn’t have that big hair that she had back in the ‘90s. So it’s a return to familiar territory with a new twist.”

Amazing Spider-Man: Going Big #1 | Cover by Erik Larsen

Amazing Spider-Man: Going Big #1 will swing its way onto bookshelves on September 4.

Click HERE for the complete Larsen interview via Marvel.