Father/Son Time Takes Center Stage in ASSASSIN & SON: PATH OF VENGEANCE

September 9, 2019 Off By Michael Stagno

Former WWE Superstars Shad Gaspard and Marc Copani, with art by Eder Messiah, are squading up for a new series at Scout Comics, Assassin & Son: Path of Vengeance.

The series, which takes place over the five boroughs of New York City, spotlights a tale of revenge for a father and son. Donovan Braddock, a ‘one-man killing machine’, who previously worked with a team of assassins called, The Horsemen, leaves his old life behind to start a family. When his wife is murdered in front of him and his young son, the two set out seeking revenge against the people responsible, his former team.

“This project means a lot to Marc and myself. After Marc was let go from the company (WWE), writing Assassin & Son helped us both find a new career path as writers,” said Gaspard. “I’ve always been a huge fan of Japanese manga, as well as classic literature. Plus, I’ve been traveling the world since I was 19-years-old, so I was able to come up with unique characters from a multicultural perspective. I think fans are going to really like the authenticity of these characters, as well as the badass action on every other page.”

The series is currently slated to launch at Nonstop! in spring of 2020. Check out some interiors, including a peek at Cover A, for the first issue, below.