Dark Horse Announces New Interdimensional Adventure Called, STEAM

Dark Horse Announces New Interdimensional Adventure Called, STEAM

October 21, 2019 Off By Michael Stagno

A new all-ages series is en route at Dark Horse Comics, set in a steampunk world, per creators Drew Ford and Duane Leslie, called, Steam.

The story centers on Arlo, a young boy who escapes his abusive guardians on Earth, via a portal to a steam-powered planet of Pother. While there, he discovers his long-lost father inadvertently helped a powerful corporation in their efforts to deplete the planet of its resources. He must now set out to make things right in joining a small group of resisters, via one epic adventure in fulfilling one’s ultimate destiny.

Steam arrives in comic shops on May 27, 2020, and bookstores on June 9.

Click HERE for the official press release, via Dark Horse Comics.