Image Calls New Series, PROTECTOR, a Blend of Conan and Mad Max

Image Calls New Series, PROTECTOR, a Blend of Conan and Mad Max

October 31, 2019 Off By Michael Stagno

A whole squad has teamed up to helm upcoming series, Protector, at Image Comics in writers Simon Roy and Daniel M. Bensen, along with artist Artyom Trakhanov, Jason Wordie and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou.

The series will center on the tribes that dwell in the hot ruins of far-future North America. The Hudsoni reign supreme, but even they fear and obey the godlike Devas. When the Devas warn of an old-world demon in the conquered city of Shikka-Go, an Hudsoni war chief, First Knife, decides to deal with the threat personally.

The book promises to be a melting pot of equal parts Conan the Barbarian, Mad Max and The Expanse.

Protector #1 is set to go on sale on Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2019.

Click HERE for the official press release, via Image Comics.