November 1, 2019 Off By Michael Stagno

The Kickstarter campaign is live for what will surely be your next favorite comic book series, Tokyo Blade Detectives, from writer Todd Black, artist Lam Vu Van, letterer Zakk Saam and editor David Hays.

The series will center on two laser katana-wielding detectives, Miko and her partner, Michio, in a reconstructed Japan. Though incredibly futuristic and technologically-advanced, the people still embrace the past in wearing traditional clothing and using alternate weapons, in a country that has now outlawed firearms. In also appealing to the way things once were, the blades, though constructed of laser, once again rule the country and can be used for self-defense or to stake one’s claim.

The first arc will follow much governmental turmoil as there are six-different groups in Tokyo, all vying for power to control it. Each group owns its own respective section of the map, while the geography changes, via the fight for power, as the story goes. The groups are at war and the crime-fighting duo of Miko and Michio are at the center of it in trying to prevent a disaster.

Miko is a first-born in the new ‘Land of the Rising Sun’, but feels that her environment is just a place she lives in and survives in, while serving as a bit of a loner. She realizes there is much that needs to be done in improving the country, but her mentality is to clock in, do the job and clock out.

The 16-year-old detective may feel alone, but she’s not. She has Michio, her partner. He is a man that has lived on both sides of the fence and remembers Japan prior to what it has become. He once helped Miko out of a tight spot, realized her growing potential and decided to utilize her talents in providing stability for the both of them.

The detective duo is one-half the embodiment of what Japan is and another half of what it was. Much to the chagrin of Miko, Michio is sworn to her.

The book, which is largely anime, has elements of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Star Wars, Dragonball Z and G.I. Joe, among others, but remains both incredibly creative and refreshingly original in nature.

We had the opportunity to catch up with Black on his new series. He was kind enough to answer our questions, as well as give us a three-page preview as well, both are below.

GXP: The story is so unique. Where did this concept come from?

TB: “That for me is the most hilarious thing about the series. I kid you not, it came from a Facebook meme. It was one of those ‘Use the first letter of your first name’-type deals and the theme was, ‘What’s your anime?’ and, when I entered everything, it came out, Tokyo Blade Detectives. But ironically, the idea didn’t come to me right there.”

GXP: Wait. So, did this come back to you in a dream or something?

TB: “I was so impressed by the name I went into the comments in referencing Deadpool and said, ‘Tokyo Blade Detectives, smells like a franchise.’, and went about my day. A few hours later, I got a reply on my comment and a random person told me that they agreed and that I should run with it. I sat back and thought about it and the ideas flowed from there. Now, I have a comic I want to make.”

GXP: Among the many other anime elements and pop culture references, where else did you draw your inspiration from for this series?

TB: “I grew up on anime and various other things associated with Japan. So, for this book, I drew from not only its actual history, but from things that came out of there. The golden character is an assassin, part of a group called, The Nine-Tails, which is a reference to the Nine-Tailed Fox, of Japanese lore. There is also the Yo-Kai, which is their version of ghosts and demons. We also have two characters that are references to Digimon and a character who was inspired by my favorite Japanese wrestler, Asuka. I love drawing from this wide history of Japan, both real and fictional. To me, it makes the stories feel more alive and we can’t wait to show everyone the other things that referenced as the story goes on!”

GXP: That is wild! We love the art we are seeing so far, tell us about your team for this book.

TB: “I have a great team! I’m the writer/creator of the characters. My main artist is Lam Vu Van, who does the inks and colors. I met him on Facebook and he totally nailed the art style I was going for. The letterer on the book is Zakk Saam, who has worked with me on previous comics and is a really cool guy. Finally, my editor is David Hayes, who has worked not only on comics, but on movies and with comic publishers, like Source Point Press, so he has a lot of experience, which I truly value, given how much this story means to me, I need to get it right and I’m going to keep this team together for as long as I can with this series!”

GXP: What can you tell us about the two protagonists in the series?

TB: “Miko and Michio are very important to my story and it’s a kind of relationship that I haven’t done in any of my stories thus far. They make for an odd couple and, yet, also a family of sorts. They’re not related and there’s no plot twists awaiting readers, but, Michio sees Miko as someone who needs a guiding influence. So, he acts fatherly to her. Miko, on the other hand, is your ‘edgelord’ anime protagonist, if you will. She’s lived a hard life and it’s affected her. She works with Michio at the agency because she can’t deny that he’s useful, but she still keeps him at an arm’s length, because she knows what it’s like to lose people she cares for and respects.”

GXP: We’re on board. Book us on the ‘TBD’ train. What can readers expect from the first arc and how will the format work?

TB: “I have the first arc mapped out, and, in steering away from what I usually do, after each arc there is going to be an ‘interlude’ issue of sorts, to allow for reflection on what happened and build up the world even more. I have the first interlude mapped out as well.”

GXP: Awesome! How long do you see the story going and when can we expect the second issue?

TB: “I want this to be a series that goes on for a long time and I have ideas for the next couple arcs and, some twists, that’ll drastically change how the story is told. That’s why I love Tokyo Blade Detectives, it may seem like a typical story, but just like a good anime, there are twists, turns and paradigm shifts. I love the idea of writing stories that are very far from the norm at points. As for when the Kickstarter for Tokyo Blade Detectives #2 will go up, we’re hoping for February or March of 2020. It just depends on whether we get funded and how quickly we can finish the debut issue, while also getting the rewards out. However, I have a plan to speed up the process. Stay tuned.”

Tokyo Blade Detectives #1 is currently slated for a January, 2020, release.

Check out the official Kickstarter page for Tokyo Blade Detectives. Some of the great donation gifts include an awesome t-shirt, launch issues sent to your home, getting your name on a shoutout page and even the opportunity to be drawn into the book, itself!

You can find other books from Black, via his official Amazon Page.