Valiant Announces All-New Superhero Series, DOCTOR TOMORROW

Valiant Announces All-New Superhero Series, DOCTOR TOMORROW

November 13, 2019 Off By Michael Stagno

Creators Alejandro Arbona and Jim Towe are introducing a brand-new superhero to Valiant Entertainment and will sprinkle in a few familiar faces along the way in the upcoming Doctor Tomorrow series.

The series will pin a teenage hothead against a star athlete, who are in fact, one-in-the-same, Bart Simms, the Valiant Universe‘s greatest hero, Doctor Tomorrow! The two will have to come to terms in hopes of saving the VU from a new and seemingly-unstoppable menace, Hadrian.

“There are things about this comic that I think will really resonate with readers and that I think people will be really excited about, but I can’t talk about what those things are, because they’re giant spoilers,” teased Arbona. “This comic is just really full of surprises and zig-zags, and if we’ve done our job well, every issue will throw you for a loop.”

Doctor Tomorrow #1 hits shelves on February 19, 2020.

Click HERE for the official press release, courtesy of The Valiant Voice.