The Crimson Gem of Cyttorak Stamps its Claim in New JUGGERNAUT Series

The Crimson Gem of Cyttorak Stamps its Claim in New JUGGERNAUT Series

February 7, 2020 Off By Michael Stagno

Creators Fabian Nicieza and Ron Garney are coming together, per an announcement from Marvel Entertainment, for an all-new take on one of the largest and seemingly unstoppable mutants, Juggernaut, this summer.

The series follows Cain Marko, aka Juggernaut and the rare stone of which he draws his powers from, the mystic gem of Cyttorak, a force of rare and overwhelming power. Nothing can stop the Juggernaut, except himself and he is done letting others pick up the pieces of the things he’s destroyed. He will now set out on a road of self-discovery in choosing whether to be a hero, a villain or something else entirely.

“After years of back and forth and madness and sadness, (Juggernaut) had become a member in good standing of the X-Men, and then while he’s away dancing in Limbo, mutantkind gets everything they could have ever hoped for, and Cain can’t be a part of that,” Nicieza noted. “How he reacts to that rejection becomes the exploration of who he is going to become without the one thing that—for good and bad—has defined him for most of his life.”

Juggernaut #1 is slated to arrive on shelves at some point in May of 2020.

Click HERE for the official press release from Marvel Entertainment.