Suki Waterhouse Cast in Simon Barrett’s Horror Film, SEANCE

Suki Waterhouse Cast in Simon Barrett’s Horror Film, SEANCE

October 22, 2019 Off By Michael Stagno

The upcoming horror film, Seance, has found its star in Suki Waterhouse, per an announcement today by Dark Castle Entertainment, HanWay Films, Ingenious Media and filmmaker Simon Barrett.

The film takes place at an all-female boarding school, Fairfield Academy, that is haunted by a vengeful spirit. Waterhouse will star as Camille, a young woman who arrives just after the untimely and violent death of one of its students.

“We are thrilled to be working with Simon Barrett and to partner with HanWay and Ingenious on this exciting and clever horror tale,” said Hal Sadoff, CEO of Dark Castle Entertainment. “Suki Waterhouse is the perfect actor to bring this scary story to life.”

Barrett is known for his screenplays among the horror community, having penned scripts for cult favorites like, You’re Next (2011), V/H/S (2012) and the 2016 reboot of Blair Witch.

Waterhouse currently has two projects that are nearly wrapped, Misbehaviour and Creation Stories, both slated for 2020 releases.

No news yet on a release date, but production begins in November. The film is being shot in Canada.

Click HERE for the source article, courtesy of Deadline.