WB Drops First Trailer for SCOOB, Which Throws it Back for Shaggy & Scooby

WB Drops First Trailer for SCOOB, Which Throws it Back for Shaggy & Scooby

November 11, 2019 Off By Michael Stagno

The first trailer for the upcoming first full animated film for Scooby-Doo, Scoob, has finally released, per Warner Bros., and serves as a history lesson as to how the crime-fighting pup got his name.

We told you about the animated film back in June, but as a refresher, it will focus more on Scooby-Doo and his fellow toon pals, rather than centering on the five-member, crime-solving squad, Mystery Incorporated. The story will follow Scooby‘s progression and also feature the never-before told greatest mystery for the team, a plan to unleash the ghost dog, Cerberus, upon the world in a hoped-for ‘Dogpocalypse’.

Frank Welker will again voice everyone’s favorite crime-solving dog, while his favorite human, Shaggy Rogers, will be voiced by Will Forte. Rounding out Mystery Inc. is Zac Efron (Fred Jones), Amanda Seyfried (Daphne Blake) and, as Velma Dinkley, Gina Rodriguez.

Scoob hits theaters on May 15, 2020.