Original Family Cast in LIZZIE McGUIRE Revival Series at Disney+

Original Family Cast in LIZZIE McGUIRE Revival Series at Disney+

October 24, 2019 Off By Michael Stagno

The rumors that the Lizzie McGuire show is being revived at Disney+ just got a little more official with the announcement that the original McGuire family members will all be reprising their roles, after a 15 year hiatus!

That’s right, Lizzie (Hilary Duff), her brother, Matt (Jake Thomas), and parents, Jo (Hallie Todd) and Sam (Robert Carradine), are all coming back together under one roof to reboot the fan-favorite television show, which ran from 2001-04 and turning in 65 episodes.

The new series will pick up with Lizzie, who is nearly 30-years-old. She seemingly has it all, with a dream job as an assistant to a fancy NYC-based decorator, her dream boyfriend and a swanky Brooklyn apartment, but things aren’t always what they seem. With a little help from her loving family, friends and her 13-year-old alter-ego in animated form, Lizzie navigate will look to navigate adulthood and all the ups and downs.

A premiere date on Disney+ has yet-to-be announced, but stay tuned to Galaxtic Pop for updates!

Click HERE for the source article, courtesy of Entertainment Weekly.