Funko Celebrating Marvel’s 80th with First Appearance POP!s

Funko Celebrating Marvel’s 80th with First Appearance POP!s

July 28, 2019 Off By Haven Huth

As we roll into 80th year of Marvel, some of its characters will be celebrated in their respective first appearances by Funko in POP! form.

More characters are sure to drop as the year goes on, but see below for the list of first wave POP!s coming to shelves soon.

Wolverine [First (Full) Appearance: The Incredible Hulk #181 – 1962]

James ‘Logan’ Howlett possesses healing abilities and is structured with an adamantium skeleton, equipped with three blades that protrude from his knuckles, you know, so he can slice stuff up! He’s a mutant science project.

Iceman [First (Full) Appearance: The X-Men #1 – 1963]

Bobby Drake figured out in his early teen years that he had the mutant ability to create ice. His father turned him into authorities when the human-mutant war began as a means to protect him.

Deadpool [First (Full) Appearance: The New Mutants #98 – 1991]

Also a mutant science project, Wade Wilson, the ‘merc with the mouth’, has the ability to heal, like Wolvey, but is also highly skilled in weapons and hand-to-hand combat.

Keep an eye out at retail stores for these three gems! Click HERE for everything you need to know about Marvel’s 80th Anniversary Celebration and HERE for the official blog post on the upcoming line from Funko.