Ziering Set to Battle Yet Another Threat on the High Seas in SyFy’s ZOMBIE TIDAL WAVE

Ziering Set to Battle Yet Another Threat on the High Seas in SyFy’s ZOMBIE TIDAL WAVE

August 15, 2019 Off By Michael Stagno

Whether you want to admit it or not, Ian Ziering is the King of SyFy. Yeah, we said it. He pitched his upcoming movie in just three words: Zombie-Tidal-Wave. True story. That said, he’s since moved on from conquering the Sharknado phenomenon and will now take on the oceanic undead.

That’s right, Ziering is Hunter Shaw, a local fisherman that will have to contend with a zombie outbreak that threatens his seaside island community. Needless to say as the title says it all, Zombie Tidal Wave.

The film was directed by Anthony C. Ferrante and also stars Erich Chikashi Linzbichler, Shelton Jolivette, Cheree Cassidy, Tatum Chiniquy, Angie Teodora Dick and lot of zombies.

Zombie Tidal Wave will world premiere on SyFy at 9/8ct this Saturday, August 17.

What do you think, can Hunter Shaw pick up where Fin Shepard left off? How many sequels do you see this series going, more than Sharknado? Let us know in the comments below.