Marvel Offers First Look at MARVEL MONSTERS

Marvel Offers First Look at MARVEL MONSTERS

July 29, 2019 Off By Michael Stagno

August will see things go ‘bump in the night’ at Marvel, which is dropping the hammer in celebrating all things Marvel Monsters!

That’s right, the monsters are en route! There is someone doing horrible stuff to the monsters of Marvel and only Kid Kaiju can stop the chaos! Not familiar with the Kid? That’s ok. He’s an inhuman with the ability to summon monsters.

The book, which will celebrate all things beastly, brutish and bizarre, will collect a bevy of Marvel artists, including Nick Bradshaw, Becky Cloonan and Gerardo Zaffino, among others.

Marvel Monsters #1 |Cover by Nick Bradshaw

Marvel Monsters #1 will smash its way into comic shops on August 28.

Click HERE for the official release from Marvel, including a sneak peek at some of the amazing art that will be on display!