Southern Gothic Horror Returns in TALES FROM HARROW COUNTY: DEATH’S CHOIR

Southern Gothic Horror Returns in TALES FROM HARROW COUNTY: DEATH’S CHOIR

September 10, 2019 Off By Michael Stagno

The Dark Horse creative team of writers Cullen Bunn and Tyler Crook and artist Naomi Franquiz are reviving Bernice in an all-new limited series, Tales From Harrow County: Death’s Choir.

The four-issue miniseries will follow fan-favorite Harrow County character, Bernice, who is following in Emmy’s footsteps, 10 years later, as steward of the supernatural home. Townspeople are now leaving the community more vulnerable than ever, due to World War II. Now, a ghostly choir has begun to unearth the resurrected dead and she must find a solution before the town is taken over.

“We’ve been talking about doing some sort of spinoff series for at least a couple of years. It was just a matter of figuring out what that would look like,” said Bunn. “There was discussion of a book focusing on various ghost stories without featuring any of the characters from the first series, but I thought it was important to do something with strong connective tissue to Harrow County in this first outing. I wanted this to be both a sequel and something that first-time readers could sink their teeth into. That inspired me to come up with the idea of revisiting Bernice and see how she’s been fairing.”

Tales From Harrow County: Death’s Choir #1 | Cover A by Naomi Franquiz

Tales From Harrow County: Death’s Choir #1 (of 4) launches on Dec. 18.

Click HERE for the exclusive reveal, via Multiversity, and HERE for the official release from Dark Horse.