THE AMAZING MARY JANE Puts Spidey’s Love Interest in the Spotlight

THE AMAZING MARY JANE Puts Spidey’s Love Interest in the Spotlight

September 27, 2019 Off By Michael Stagno

The most-famous redhead in Marvel history, aka the love of one Peter Parker, has landed her own series, The Amazing Mary Jane, from creators Leah Williams and Carlos Gomez.

Parker’s special lady, Mary Jane Watson, will garner the shine in this one. The series picks up after the events of The Amazing Spider-Man #25, as she pursues her Hollywood dreams. There will surely be a lot of action, glamor, glit, sass and, if we’re lucky, a little Spider-Man as well.

“Before she became a target for maniacs trying to hurt Spider-Man by proxy, MJ was a survivor, and survivors improvise,” said series editor Kathleen Wisneski. “Then there’s the fact that she thrives in the spotlight and knows how to sell a story.”

The Amazing Mary Jane #1 goes on sale on Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2019.

Click HERE for the official press release from Marvel, including an interview with Wisneski and interiors for the first issue.