The Final Days of Humanity are Realized in Forthcoming Series, WE LIVE

The Final Days of Humanity are Realized in Forthcoming Series, WE LIVE

May 9, 2020 Off By Michael Stagno

The children are the future, which is apparent in the upcoming new series at AfterShock Comics, per the creative squad of Inaki and Roy Miranda, along with Eva de la Cruz and Dave Sharpe in, We Live.

The series is set in the future, where select events, including a climate shift and another world war, claim the last remaining resources, leaving just a third of humanity alive. To top it off, a message arrives from deep space, stating that the extinction of the human race is unavoidable.

The small ray of hope is that 5,000 children will be spared and will receive bracelets, which will serve as extraction beacons, providing them with safe passage for when the world does finally end.

“We are five days away from ‘Extraction Day’, when we start the story,” said (Inaki) Miranda. “We follow the journey of two siblings, Hotoro and his older sister, Tala, from their home to a distant ‘Extraction Beacon’. What Hotoro doesn’t know is what his salvation implies — if they survive and succeed in reaching the ‘Extraction Beacon’ in time, that will also mean that he will lose his sister, Tala, forever, since she doesn’t wear a bracelet and must stay on Earth. The weight of the journey falls upon Tala. She will risk everything to save her little brother, keeping him unaware of the real tragedy that’s unfolding.”

We Live #1 is currently slated to go on sale on Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2020.

Click HERE for the official press release, courtesy of Aftershock Comics, which includes an action-packed sneak peek at interiors for the launch issue.