Marvel Entertainment Acquires Iconic Franchises, PREDATOR and ALIEN

July 2, 2020 Off By Michael Stagno

Two of the most-important franchises in science fiction, both cinematic and publishing, are bound for Marvel Entertainment in, Predator and Alien.

The specifics as to how the two franchises will find their way into the comic pages remains a mystery, but the publisher has enlisted David Finch to provide promotional teaser art, which definitely builds the anticipation.

Alien and Predator are the two of the most-identifiable, iconic characters of all-time, and I love them for that. But mostly, it’s being fortunate enough to be a kid when they were new”, said Finch. “I’ve seen every movie they’ve ever been in, and I cannot wait to see them wreaking havoc in the Marvel Universe. I drew my pictures of them with a massive smile on my face.”

Per the above images, in which Finch has teased a Hunter vs. Iron Man showdown, as well as the Milano being infiltrated by a Xenomorph, a lot could be in store as the two alien species make their respective journeys to the Marvel Universe in the near future. That said, the two franchises are not necessarily going to be thrown into crossovers as they may also land their own respective titles first.

Earlier this year, Dark Horse published the original screenplay versions, as limited series, for both Alien and Predator as well, as the company had served as the holder of the rights since 1988-89.

The first Alien movie launched in 1979, starring Sigourney Weaver, while Predator arrived a few years later, in 1987, and starred Arnold Schwarzenegger. Both have since seen numerous sequels and spinoffs, including a joint-crossover series in, Alien vs. Predator (2004) and Alien vs. Predator: Requiem (2007).

Click HERE for the exclusive source article, courtesy of IGN.