JOKER is Now the Highest-Grossing R-Rated Comic Book Film Ever

JOKER is Now the Highest-Grossing R-Rated Comic Book Film Ever

October 29, 2019 Off By Haven Huth

The ‘Clown Prince of Crime’ now sits alone atop the list of all-time grossing R-Rated films, as Joker has turned in enough to purchase small countries.

Both Joaquin Phoenix and director Todd Phillips have danced their way to the bank for a film which needed just $62.5 million to make, but has now collected a little over $957 million, essentially leapfrogging Deadpool‘s $783 million.

The former record holder, the Jim Carrey classic, The Mask, collected a cool $351 million on just a $23 million budget.

No one knew what to expect with the film, considering the controversy surrounding it, including Warner Bros. having proclaimed it as a one-off that will not be included in the new The Batman cinematic universe. The WB may now have to reconsider that notion!

Phillips and Phoenix have remained firm in that the duo is not interested in creating a franchise. But per audience reactions, and Oscar campaigns being pitched by both DCU fans and Warner Bros., a sequel could very well be a real possibility.

The source article, HERE, comes courtesy of Collider.