HALLOWEEN is Never Over if You Own This Life-Size MICHAEL MYERS Bust

HALLOWEEN is Never Over if You Own This Life-Size MICHAEL MYERS Bust

November 1, 2019 Off By Haven Huth

Make some room for this killer bust on your shelf. Straight from the Hollywood Collectibles Group, a Michael Myers collectible that just may keep you up at night, if that’s what you’re going for!

This 24″ bust is hand painted, comes with a Halloween-themed base display, featuring the classic opening-credits jack-o-lantern which has become a staple in the opening credits for the franchise. The bust, itself, is made up of mixed media, but is primarily fiberglass. The model stems from the original 1978 look, which also includes synthetic hair and real fabric for the coveralls.

As a special bonus there is also a variant of Michael, that comes complete with his iconic kitchen knife!

Click HERE for the retail version and HERE for the HCG Exclusive. Both versions of the bust will retail for $899.95 and will be available come the first quarter of 2020!