THE LORD OF THE RINGS Series Earns Early Season 2 Renewal at Amazon

THE LORD OF THE RINGS Series Earns Early Season 2 Renewal at Amazon

November 19, 2019 Off By Michael Stagno

The upcoming television adaptation of The Lord of the Rings, per Amazon Studios, has been renewed for a second season, ahead of its premiere, while it is currently in pre-production in New Zealand.

The series will be set in Middle Earth, during the 3,441-year period, also known as the Age of Númenor or, the ‘Second Age‘, and will explore new stories which will precede J.R.R. Tolkien‘s first novel, The Fellowship of the Ring.

Amazon acquired the global television rights to TLoTR in a blockbuster deal, back in November of 2017. It included a multi-season commitment as well as the potential for a spinoff series as well.

The news of the S2 renewal is a delight for fans, as it means a shorter turnaround between seasons, however, a 4-5 month hiatus will take place after the first two episodes in the pilot season.

The series comes via showrunners Patrick McKay and J.D. Payne and stars Will Poulter, Joseph Mawle and Markella Kavenagh.

The series is expected to debut in early 2021 on Prime Video.

Click HERE for the exclusive source article, courtesy of Deadline.