THE CLOCK Pins Humanity’s Time Against a Weaponized Fatal Illness

THE CLOCK Pins Humanity’s Time Against a Weaponized Fatal Illness

October 22, 2019 Off By Michael Stagno

Coming your way from Top Cow CEO Matt Hawkins and artist Colleen Doran, a provocative new science fiction about an increased-form of cancer that begins to wipe out humanity in, The Clock.

The series centers on a pandemic fear after seemingly healthy people are contracting cancer and dying after being healthy just days prior. As hundred of millions of people, worldwide, begin to perish from different forms of cancer, the viral outbreak will force prolific scientific minds to come together at some hope for a cure. Behind it all, a propelling and event-filled conspiracy that could very well lead to World War III.

The series will focus on a leading medical researcher, who loses is wife, is now racing against ‘the clock’ to come up with a cure for his 9-year-old daughter, who is now dying of cancer as well.

The Clock #1 goes on sale on Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2019.

Click HERE for the source article, courtesy of SyFy Wire, which also includes a peek at interiors for the premiere issue.