John Turturro Cast as Gotham Gangster Carmine Falcone in THE BATMAN

John Turturro Cast as Gotham Gangster Carmine Falcone in THE BATMAN

November 23, 2019 Off By Michael Stagno

Director Matt Reeves continues to churn an unbelievable cast for the upcoming The Batman film, via his latest announcement in John Turturro as the crime boss, Carmine Falcone.

Per all the latest casting news, it’s beginning to look more likely that the film is indeed going to be an adaptation of Batman: The Long Halloween.

Turturro will take on the role of one of Gotham City’s most-notorious gangsters and the face of one of its most-dangerous crime families in Falcone. The character is another Frank Miller creation from 1986.

Turturro has recently wrapped on a television miniseries, The Plot Against America, in which he stars as Rabbi Lionel Bengelsdorf, and he is currently filming for Bless Me Father. His most-recent release includes voicing the Goat in the animated Netflix series, Green Eggs and Ham.

Production on The Batman will begin in early 2020, while the film is currently on track to drop in theaters on June 25, 2021.

Click HERE for the source article, courtesy of MovieWeb.